Ongoing sonar preparations...
It's a busy week for me regarding preparations for next week’s survey on the ice. I called Nick Burchill from Kongsberg Maritime this morning to see if everything was still a go. He told me that so far everything looks good unless some unsafe weather conditions arise like last week.
To do list:
1 - Calculate the coordinates for the survey. (DONE) Compliments of Andrew Demerchant from GEMTEC Limited . ...Thanks
2 - Get the survey staked out towards the end of the week. (DONE) Compliments of Wayne Hodges and crew from W.E. Hodges Surveys Ltd. .... Thanks
3 - Get holes done on the ice this weekend. (DONE) with the help of Marc Laforge, Daniel Laforge, Andrew Mulherin, Alex Mulherin, Francis Theriault and Bert Laforge's ice drill.
4 - Get wood for shelter. (DONE) 13$ at the local hardware store.
5 - Get tarp for shelter. (DONE) Donated by Philip Roach & Luc Beaulieu......
6 - Build shelter. (DONE) With the help of Alex Mulherin, Andrew Mulherin, Marc Laforge and Jean Sebastien Roy.....ThanksThanks