First Magnetometer survey!!!
After learning how to collect my data with the magnetometer and how to set up a search area (Grid), it was time to get hold of a couple of brave souls to help me get it done. Andrew Mulherin and Paul Lavoie where the brave ones I managed to convince. My dad (Viateur Ouellette) wanted to come lend a hand but at the last minute he came down with the flu . However he did agree to lend me his handheld GPS device.
We first located what I have called pier #2 and Pier #3 on the ice. We then measured a 60 meter (200 feet) by 40 meter (130 feet) rectangular grid on the ice and surveyed 4 lines (20 meters apart) perpendicular to the bridge alignment and 3 lines (20 meters apart) parallel to the bridge alignment. On those seven lines, five readings were taken at 5 meter intervals. This would cover enough area to detect any possible debris at the bottom.
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The bridge in the bacground is the last CPR bridge to cross the St. John River in Grand Falls. The CPR line in Grand Falls has been abandoned for a while now but the bridge still serves as part of the New Brunswick trail system.