Car wash and rainy summer
It's been a while but I finally got a few minutes to write up a new journal entry. I have been drenched in work and at also at the car...
Jessy Jane's car wash
Jessy Jane is getting a car wash. We have bought the building where I work and the remaining space will be turned into what will soon be...
DIVE # 6
DIVE#6 We got dive #6 in today. Present was: Divers: Luc Pelletier and Mathieu Viel Boat: Camille Godbout Surveyor: Wayne Hodges and his...
Rain, rain go away
I think dive 6 should take place sometime in July. I will start organizing something soon. I have done nothing to date for the simple...
104 years ago
104 years ago today we had a big train accident here at Grand Falls when the CPR bridge crossing the St-John River collapsed and fell in...
Fire pit
I built this pretty lady a fire place this weekend. Happy wife....happy life. Only noticed later on that our pug is showing everyone his...
Planning the dive....right Jess?
I have slowly started making preparations for the big dive this summer. I was talking to Wayne Hodges the other day and he offered once...
Jessy Jane....adorable
Nothing new to report on the train so here's some recent pictures of Jessy Jane! She will be 12 weeks on Tuesday. At 12lbs she has...
Flowing ice
The ice breaks up on the St-John River, six days earlier than last year
Sonar Image Hole # 3
Here is an image of what we found lying at the bottom of the river between the old bridge piers. The center of the image is the sonar...