New survey in the works
Trying to get a sonar and magnetic survey done simultaneously by one of my buddies that owns Brunswick Engineering in Saint John. The The...
The USA takes notice of giant snow locomotive near its border

Manchester Locomotive Works
What we know for sure is that locomotive 508 was built by Manchester Locomotive Works Company in 1885. I got a package in the mail today...

Sonar Survey #2
It wasn't warm but we had a great time on the river today doing another sonar survey but this time with the MS 1000 (same as model used...

Engine Dimensions
Received some interesting pics from Daryl Demerchant this morning. The following images are pretty close to what we are looking for in...

Ice thickness and GPS survey
Me and Marc Laforge from Gemtec went out on the Saint John River this morning to measure the thickness of the ice and layout points A,B,...

Guinness Book
Our 2011 World Record ICE Igloo made the 2016 Guinness Book of Records this year. Only a select amount of records make it to the book...

Supervisor of the Year
Got this award today at work. Nice to be recognized for hard work.